DAMM Cellular Systems A/S would like to announce that the many years close cooperation between the consortium Frequentis-DAMM and Motorola about development, production, delivery as well as service and support of Compact TETRA has come to an end by end of 2008.
DAMM Cellular Systems A/S would like to thank the customers as well as Motorola and Frequentis for the good and constructive cooperation throughout the years 2002 to 2008.
DAMM will of course provide continued service and support to all customers who have invested in and operates a Compact TETRA system. If the customers would need any spare parts or capacity and coverage extension, they are requested to contact their supplier of Compact TETRA, who will be offered the necessary support from DAMM.
DAMM would also like to take the opportunity informing about the possibility to convert an established Compact TETRA system to a DAMM TetraFlex® system. The conversion can be performed as a very cost effective migration by re-using existing hardware and only exchanging the base station controller (BSC) including the TetraFlex® system software.
Please contact a certified TetraFlex® partner for more details about the conversion.
Find a TetraFlex® partner close to you on www.damm.dk